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Secure your birth support service now. 

To request a service booking, please contact Rose on 0411 053 492 or complete the below form. 

Booking request form

Select which services you would like to book

Terms & Conditions

A Doula's role does not include:

  • Performing clinical or medical procedures (eg. blood pressure, fetal heart monitoring, vaginal exams).

  • Prescribing medications or ordering tests such as pathology.

  • Making decisions for clients (but rather giving information so they can make informed decisions).

  • Speaking to medical staff when decisions are being made. Such communication must be directly between birthing parents and their caregivers.

  • Guaranteeing a “perfect”, intervention-free or painless birth. Birth does not always go to plan and a Doula cannot dictate or assume responsibility for its outcome, but can help to make it as beautiful as possible.



  • You must text or call me as soon as contractions or other signs of labour start, and keep me updated so I can begin making arrangements to leave my family and commitments.

  • Additionally, you must call me when you are ready for me to come to you. From the time of this phone call please allow an hour before I leave to come to you.

  • In the event labour lasts more than 14 hours, I may need to have a short break for a "recharge" sleep.

  • In the instance of a “free birth” where there is no midwife or obstetrician present, a Doula's services do not replace those of a trained health professional and the client takes full responsibility for all outcomes of these births.

  • In the unlikely event that I am sick or unable to attend your birth for any other reason (e.g natural disaster or personal injury), a backup doula will attend in my place if desired. Your fee will not change and I will arrange payment with the backup doula directly. 

  • I will (with your permission) take some photos and videos of your birth whether you have chosen the photography package or not. The number and quality of images will depend on your package selection.  I will not use any photos or videos without your permission. 



  • Doula Services ~ Prenatal support portion  is due before scheduling the first meeting. ~ Labour & Birth support portion is due 3 weeks before your due date. ~ Postnatal support portion is due before scheduling the first postnatal visit. Please talk to me if you need to arrange a payment plan.

  • Birth Photography, Placenta Encapsulation & Birth Pool Hire services require a 50% deposit upon booking with the balance paid 3 weeks before your due date. 

  • Payment is non-refundable.

  • If I don't make it to the birth in time the full fee is still non-refundable, provided I leave to come to you within an hour of your call.

  • 30 minutes of travel is included in all fees

    • additional travel will be $60/hr or part thereof.

    • All fees are in Australian Dollars.

    • No government subsidies are currently available for doula services.

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